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From Walkscape Walkthrough

Characters are the people you can meet in the world. They can give you quests, sell you items, and more.

Characters in Jarvonia

Character Name Building Location
Maia Yalestrom Northstar Mercantile Centaham
Kulty the "A" Holder Not a Shop Coldington
Helpful Herbert Helpful Herbert's Hut Disenchanted Forest
Gunnar Knuds Fort of Permafrost Fort of Permafrost
Balunn Brimstone JarvoJoy Frusenholm
Bert Lamberen Adventurers' Guild Outpost Horn of Respite
Flora Floursifter Kallaheim's Frosty Finds Kallaheim
Peter Banksworth Frozen Capital Bank Kallaheim
Runa Norrberga The Icy Goblet Kallaheim
Oldin Skogsan Woodcutter's Cabin Nomad Woods
Hildur the Sharkbait Frosthook Emporium Port Skildar

Characters in GDTE

Character Name Building Location
Warrick Dar Koffman Maritime Fortune Bank Bilgemont Port
Quincie Cartier Mossy Merchant's Breeze Mart Everhaven
Alexa Leeroi Fish Market Stall Granfiddich
Basti Dupont Food Market Stall Granfiddich
Bert Lamberen Tool Market Stall Granfiddich
Heinnir Ultemor Bureau of Moss Granfiddich
Delaphina Armand Bogside Bank of Prosperity Salsfirth
Mikka Maier Paws are Us Salsfirth

Characters in Syrenthia

Character Name Building Location
Lord Casbrant Casbrant's Sunken Ship Casbrant's Grave
Finn Oceancrusher Undercurrent Vastalume
Glob-glob Thalassa Wave Bank Vastalume
Juniper Skywatcher Sunken Anchor Vastalume
Kalmar the Neverdrowning, King of the Deep Sea Throne of the Neverdrown Vastalume
Lil' Merfolk Flyriel Pearl of the Sea Vastalume
Mareel Finspur Go with the Flow Barbershop Vastalume
Syrene Graceful Fin-tastic Fashion Vastalume

This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 🐛 0.2.0-beta+343 "Syrenthia Bugfix Update"🐛.