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From Walkscape Walkthrough

Here is a list of unique terms you might see around while playing WalkScape! A lot of these will stem to the wiki, but you may see some of them around the social interfaces used with Discord or Reddit as well.

Game Terms

BiS - Acronym for Best in Slot. The item that is relatively the best to use in a particular Gear or Tool equipment slot.
DA - Acronym of Double Action.
DR - Acronym of Double Rewards.
Exp / xp - Abbreviation for Experience.
GSI - Gear Score Index is an aggregated score of increased exp, chests, fine materials, and normal materials you get by wearing a piece of gear.
lvl - Abbreviation for Level.
NMC - Acronym of No Materials Consumed.
RNG - Acronym for Random Number Generation, used in terms of luck typically since most things in-game involve 'rolls' for outcomes.
Rolls - Something that utilizes RNG, where it is stimulating the idea of 'rolling the dice' to reach something happening or not.
W.E.A.R. - Work Efficiency Adjusted Rate gives the average steps to get an item when at max efficiency for an activity. When multiple items can drop at once, it's the average steps to get 1 item. It's a metric that provides a higher degree of predictability for the average steps required to obtain an item. Although this is not the true steps to gather an item, it is useful for comparison as it eliminates the effect of work efficiency maximums, one of the biggest variables in calculating the true rate. Oftentimes the WEAR is shown across many different sources of the same item, which helps users to determine the most efficient way to gather it. With equal double action and double rewards across methods, the WEAR is effectively a perfect, scaled predictor of what method is most efficient.
WE - Acronym of Work Efficiency.
WS - Acronym for WalkScape


GDTE - Acronym of Grand Duchy of Trellin-Erdwise.


BIS - Acronym for Blue Ice Sickle. (Not to be confused with 'BiS'.)
COHA - Acronym for the Cape of Half-Achiever.
HAC - Another Acronym for the Cape of Half-Achiever (Half Achiever Cape).
COFA - Acronym for the Cape of Achiever (Cape of Full-Achiever).
FAC - Another Acronym for the Cape of Achiever (Full Achiever Cape).
RoHS - Acronym for Ring of Homesickness.

Fun Slang

Anything here is up to some minor interpretation and shouldn't be taken very seriously.

CBT - Acronym for Closed Beta Test.
Cheesing - Doing something in a way that may not be fully intended, but is typically allowed.
Going Dry - Going over rate for a particular drop.
OSRS - Acronym for OldSchool RuneScape.
RS3 - Acronym for 'current' RuneScape.
Scuffed - Something broken or messed up.
Spinning - Walking around an area in very small circles.
Spooned - Going under rate for a particular drop. The lower the person is under the rate, the bigger the spoon.
WFH - Acronym for Work From Home.