Sunken Anchor

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Sunken Anchor
Sunken Anchor

A rusty anchor lies in the sand. The small shop has a few shelves and barrels of goods. Bubbles are rising from holes and crevasses in the walls. You think you recognize the mountains depicted in the painting on the wall.

Sunken Anchor is a general store located in Vastalume in the region of Syrenthia.
It is home to the character Juniper Skywatcher.


Name Stock Price
Saltrum Sprite Saltrum 1 50
Name Stock Price
Sea Cabbage Sprite Sea Cabbage 2 5
Sea Spinach Sprite Sea Spinach 2 5
Underwater Lotus Sprite Underwater Lotus 1 10


This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 0.2.0-beta+322 "The Syrenthia Update".