Steel-Toe Boots

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Steel-Toe Boots
Steel-Toe Boots Sprite
Skill(s): framelesslink=Mining Mining lvl 15
framelesslink=Smithing Smithing lvl 15
Type: Loot
Slot: Feet
Value: 4
Tradable: Yes
Sellable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

These boots will derail minecarts instead of having them flatten your toes.

The Steel-Toe Boots item can be found in a chest.

Item Attributes

+5.0% Work efficiency icon Work efficiency  while Mining iconMining
+5.0% Work efficiency icon Work efficiency  while Smithing iconSmithing

Item Sources


Source Quantity Chance
Mining Chests Sprite Mining Chests 1 1/15 (6.67%)
Smithing Chests Sprite Smithing Chests 1 1/10 (10.00%)