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Jarvonia Faction Rewards

From Walkscape Walkthrough

A frozen and cold realm in the North-Western corner of Arenum.

This is the faction reputation reward track for the Jarvonia faction.

5 Runny Nose

300 Coins
+500 Mining Experience
+500 Smithing Experience
2x Porridge
2x Bread

10 Trainee of Cold

3x Mining Chest
Chest of Jarvonia
4x Dynamite
2x Spicy Pumpkin Juice
Jarvonian Banner Cosmetic

20 Frost Apprentice

Ice Axe
Chest of Jarvonia
2x Dynamite
Spicy Pumpkin Juice

30 Acolyte of Winter

Warm Beanie
2x Chest of Jarvonia
2x Dynamite
+1000 Mining Experience
+1000 Smithing Experience

45 Friend of Ice

Warm Jacket
2x Chest of Jarvonia
3x Jarvonian Pastry
Jarvonian Fur Armor Cosmetic

This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 🐛 0.2.0-beta+343 "Syrenthia Bugfix Update"🐛.