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Cave Diving

From Walkscape Walkthrough
  Cave Diving
Skill(s):   Mining lvl 55
  Agility lvl 55
  Foraging lvl 55
Max Efficiency:  +130%
Requires:  Pickaxe
 Light Source
Have:  3 of Advanced Diving Gear Set Equipped

You bravely (or stupidly) dive into the dark, vast caves. This activity is one of the most dangerous in all of Arenum. It sure does make your heart pump and adrenaline fill your veins.

Cave Diving is a Mining activity.


Experience Info

Skill(s) Base
Base Total
Total Max
Mining 800 1500 0.533 1.166 653 1.225 2.680
Agility 150 0.100 0.230
Foraging 800 0.533 1.225

Normal Drops

Main Drops

Item Quantity Chance Rate W.E.A.R. Value
Single (Stack)
Nothing N/A 10.000% ~1 in 10 N/A N/A
Pearls 1-5 17.822% ~1 in 6 1,222 steps 22 (22-110)
Salty Hops 1-5 17.822% ~1 in 6 1,222 steps 2 (2-10)
Sea Shell 5-10 17.822% ~1 in 6 489 steps 5 (25-50)
Tarsilium Ore 1-7 17.822% ~1 in 6 917 steps 3 (3-21)
Volcanic Rock 1-5 17.822% ~1 in 6 1,222 steps 4 (4-20)
Glowstick 1 0.891% ~1 in 113 73,289 steps 4 (4)

Bonus Drops

Item Quantity Chance Rate W.E.A.R. Value
Single (Stack)
Nothing N/A 90.000% ~1 in 2 N/A N/A
Sea Shell 1 10.000% ~1 in 10 6,530 steps 5 (5)

Special Drops

Each item in a special drops table is rolled independently of all the others based on it's own chance.

Chest Drops

Item Type Quantity Chance Rate W.E.A.R. Note
Agility Chest Chest 1 0.400% ~1 in 250 163,250 steps
Coral Chest Chest 1 0.400% ~1 in 250 163,250 steps
Foraging Chest Chest 1 0.400% ~1 in 250 163,250 steps
Mining Chest Chest 1 0.400% ~1 in 250 163,250 steps

Collectible Drops

Item Type Quantity Chance Rate W.E.A.R. Note
Ancient Trident Collectible 1 0.500% ~1 in 200 130,600 steps


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