Rooftop Jumping (Intermediate)

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Rooftop Jumping (Intermediate)

With feline grace you travel around the city, using any architectural feature as help: walls, roofs, balconies, streetlights. They all bend to your wishes.

Rooftop Jumping (Intermediate) Rooftop Jumping (Intermediate) is an Agility activity located in the city of Everhaven.
This activity is eligible to drop Agility Chests and Bird Nests.

Activity Info

Activity Location(s) Skill(s) Level(s) Exp Base Steps Base Exp/Step Base Total Exp/Step Min Steps Max Exp/Step Total Max Exp/Step Notes
Rooftop Jumping (Intermediate) Everhaven Agility 45 143 147 0.973 0.973 70 2.043 2.043

Normal Drops

Item Quantity Chance Rate Value
Single (Stack)
Nothing N/A 30.000% ~ 1 in 3 N/A
Coins 3-5 29.915% ~ 1 in 4 1 (3-5)
Wooden Stick 1-3 19.943% ~ 1 in 6 0 (0-0)
Stone 1-3 19.943% ~ 1 in 6 0 (0-0)
Flowy Trousers 1 0.199% ~ 1 in 502 23 (23)

Special Drops

Item Type Quantity Chance Rate
Nothing N/A N/A 100% Always
