Ice Sculpting

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Ice Sculpting

Armed with chisel, handsaw and a small pick, you transform an ice cube into something else, either functional or artistic. The fleetness of this piece of art is proportional to the ambient temperature, its duration ranging from minutes to permanent.

Ice Sculpting Ice Sculpting is a Crafting activity located in the city of Frusenholm.
This activity is eligible to drop Crafting Chests and Carpentry Chests.
This activity can drop the Tiny Swan Ice Sculpture collectible.

Activity Info

Activity Location(s) Skill(s) Level(s) Exp Base Steps Base Exp/Step Base Total Exp/Step Min Steps Max Exp/Step Total Max Exp/Step Notes
Ice Sculpting Frusenholm Crafting 15 21 89 0.236 0.416 45 0.467 0.823 Requires a Crafting Tool
Carpentry 10 16 0.180 0.356

Normal Drops

Item Quantity Chance Rate Value
Single (Stack)
Nothing N/A 50.000% ~ 1 in 2 N/A
Coins 2-4 49.791% ~ 1 in 2 1 (2-4)
Ice Saw 1 0.209% ~ 1 in 479 9 (9)

Special Drops

Item Type Quantity Chance Rate
Tiny Swan Ice Sculpture Collectible 1 0.100% ~ 1 in 1000
