Cut Mangrove Trees

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Cut Mangrove Trees

While being careful not to trip over their entangling roots, you are working hard to get some logs of these fascinatingly shaped trees.

Cut Mangrove Trees Cut Mangrove Trees is a Woodcutting activity located in the Mangrove Forest.
This activity is eligible to drop Woodcutting Chests and Bird Nests.

Activity Info

Activity Location(s) Skill(s) Level(s) Exp Base Steps Base Exp/Step Base Total Exp/Step Min Steps Max Exp/Step Total Max Exp/Step Notes
Cut Mangrove Trees Mangrove Forest Woodcutting 50 97 90 1.078 1.078 43 2.256 2.256 Requires a Woodcutting Hatchet, Requires GDTE Access

Normal Drops

Item Quantity Chance Rate Value
Single (Stack)
Mangrove Logs 1 100% Always 5 (5)

Special Drops

Item Type Quantity Chance Rate
Nothing N/A N/A 100% Always
