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Gold Pan

From Walkscape Walkthrough
Gold Pan
Gold Pan
Requires: Fishing lvl 13
Type: Loot
Slot: Tool
Value: 13
Keyword(s): Gold Pan
Tradable: Sellable:
Droppable: Bankable:

Put in some rocks and some water, swirl around, and the lumps of gold will reveal themselves to you.

The Gold Pan item can be found in a chest.


Job Boards

Gold Pan can be requested from the following Job Boards:

Job Board Quantity Type Rewards
Kallaheim Job Board 3 +1  Jarvonia Faction Reputation
1x   Mining Chest


+4% Work Efficiency While doing Fishing
+4% Work Efficiency While doing Mining
+8% Fine Material Finding While doing Fishing
+8% Fine Material Finding While doing Mining
+4% Bonus Experience While doing Fishing
+4% Bonus Experience While doing Mining




Source Quantity Chance
(Per Roll)
(Per Chest)
Chest of Jarvonia 1 2.500% 9.631% ~1 in 11
Mining Chest 1 2.500% 9.631% ~1 in 11
Sunken Chest 1 5.000% 18.549% ~1 in 6

Note: Chests roll for loot multiple times.


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  • This item has undergone several revisions between being a mining and fishing item, which has caused a lot of confusion within the community.
  • This item was originally intended to grant the player the chance of finding additional coins while fishing, however the attribute did not exist in the game.
  • Its existence eventually led to the creation of the popular Gold Panning activity, although it was worse for it than the Simple Gold Pan that was created as an entry point for people to do the activity, due to it only having a fishing bonus that couldn't be used for it.

This page is updated automatically to reflect information in the current game version.