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Find Bird Nests (Mechanics)

From Walkscape Walkthrough

Find Bird Nests Calculation

  1. Most Woodcutting activities have a chance to roll to find bird nests, as well as Rooftop Jumping activities.
  2. Find bird nests percentage bonuses from attributes is calculated.
  3. These bonuses are added to the base find bird nests multiplier that you have.
  4. The base chance to find bird nests (.4% or 1/250) is multiplied by the calculated find bird nests multiplier.
  5. The modified find bird nests odds are rolled on a loot table to find Bird Nests.

Note that we can quickly get a value by simply adding the total percent find bird nests to 1 and dividing by 200.

Example with No Find Bird Nests Bonuses

If we want to Cut Pine Trees with no equipment, and we complete a woodcutting action.

  1. Cutting pine trees is able to give Bird Nests in its loot tables.
  2. We have no equipment, so we have no percent bird nest finding bonus.
    • Bird nest finding bonus = 0.00
  3. We added our bird nest finding bonus to the base bird nest finding multiplier that you have.
    • 1.00 bird nest finding multiplier + 0.00 bird nest finding bonus = 1.00 calculated bird nest finding multiplier
  4. We multiply the base bird nest finding chance by the calculated bird nest finding multiplier.
    • 0.004 × 1.00 = 0.004 modified find bird nests odds
  5. The modified find bird nests odds are rolled on a loot table.
    • Our 0.004 modified find bird nests odds gives us a 1/250 chance per action completed to receive Bird Nests.

Example with a Find Bird Nests Bonus

If we want to Cut Pine Trees with a Shovel Axe, and we complete a woodcutting action.

  1. Cutting pine trees is able to give Bird Nests in its loot tables.
  2. Our Shovel Axe gives a +20.0% to find bird nests
    • Bird nest finding bonus = 0.20
  3. We added our find bird nests bonus to the base find bird nests multiplier that you have.
    • 1.00 find bird nests multiplier + 0.20 find bird nests bonus = 1.20 calculated find bird nests multiplier
  4. We multiply the base bird nest finding chance by the calculated find bird nests multiplier.
    • 0.004 × 1.20 = 0.0048 modified find bird nests odds
  5. The modified find bird nests odds are rolled on a loot table.
    • Our 0.0048 modified find bird nests odds gives us a 1.20/250 chance per action completed to receive Bird Nests.

This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 🐛 0.2.0-beta+343 "Syrenthia Bugfix Update"🐛.