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Chest Finding (Mechanics)
From Walkscape Walkthrough
Chest Finding Calculation
- Most activities have a roll on one or more chest tables.
- In general, an activity that has a skill with a level requirement has a chance to give a chest for that skill.
- Chest finding percentage bonuses from attributes is calculated.
- These bonuses are added to the base chest finding multiplier that you have.
- The base chest drop chance (.4% or 1/250) is multiplied by the calculated chest finding multiplier.
- The modified chest finding odds are rolled on a loot table.
Note that we can quickly get a value by simply adding the total percent chest finding to 1 and dividing by 250.
Example with No Chest Finding Bonuses
If we want to go Forest Foraging with no equipment, and we complete a foraging action.
- Forest foraging is able to give a Foraging Chest roll in its loot tables.
- We have no equipment, so we have no percent chest finding bonus.
- Chest finding bonus = 0.00
- We added our chest finding bonus to the base chest finding multiplier that you have.
- 1.00 chest finding multiplier + 0.00 chest finding bonus = 1.00 calculated chest finding multiplier
- We multiply the base chest drop chance by the calculated chest finding multiplier.
- 0.004 × 1.00 = 0.004 modified chest finding odds
- The modified chest finding odds are rolled on a loot table.
- Our 0.004 modified chest finding odds gives us a 1/250 chance per action completed to receive a Foraging Chest.
Example with a Chest Finding Bonus
If we want to go Forest Foraging with a good quality Steel Sickle, and we complete a foraging action.
- Forest foraging is able to give a Foraging Chest roll in its loot tables.
- Our good Steel Sickle gives a +13.0% chest finding
- Chest finding bonus = 0.13
- We added our chest finding bonus to the base chest finding multiplier that you have.
- 1.00 chest finding multiplier + 0.13 chest finding bonus = 1.13 calculated chest finding multiplier
- We multiply the base chest drop chance by the calculated chest finding multiplier.
- 0.004 × 1.13 = 0.00452 modified chest finding odds
- The modified chest finding odds are rolled on a loot table.
- Our 0.00452 modified chest finding odds gives us a 1.13/250 chance per action completed to receive a Foraging Chest.
This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 🐛 0.2.0-beta+343 "Syrenthia Bugfix Update"🐛. |