Cape of the Trailblazer

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Cape of the Trailblazer
Cape of the Trailblazer
Type: Loot
Slot: Cape
Value: 0
Tradable: Sellable:
Droppable: Bankable:

This cape is a symbol of the trailblazer's courage and determination, promising that wherever it's worn, tales of daring escapades are sure to follow.

The Cape of the Trailblazer item is obtained from a shop.


The Cape of the Trailblazer item currently has no special uses.

Item Attributes

+20% Work Efficiency While doing Traveling
Global +25 Crafting Outcome
Global +25% Fine Material Finding
Global +1 Inventory Space
-3 Steps Required While doing Traveling
Global +15% Find Collectibles
Global 2% Chance to Find 1 Adventurers' Guild Token

Item Sources

Shop Locations

Shop Location Type Region Stock Price Note
Adventurers' Guild Outpost Outpost Horn of Respite Jarvonia 1 5,000

This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 0.2.0-beta+322 "The Syrenthia Update".