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Guide:Blue Ice Sickle/Igno's Blue Ice Sickle Grinding Guide

From Walkscape Walkthrough
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The foraging tool Blue Ice Sickle is probably one of the most sought after items. Boasting powerful stats this legendary sickle is only toppled by an eternal quality Hydrilium Sickle in terms of power. The grind for one, however, can be a long and tedious road, with some users having spent upwards of 2 million steps before getting one.

The purpose of this guide is to prepare you in the best possible way, before heading up to keep the penguins.

Requirements and Practical Info

Before you can access the Winter Waves Glacier you need to purchase the Mysterious Northern Map, at the Adventurers' Guild Outpost down at the Horn of Respite. The map has a cost of 100 Adventurers' Guild Tokens, the exact amount you receive as a reward from unlocking the guild at 20 Achievement points. If you are both without tokens and the map, fear not - you can grind some more doing the activity Rescue Team.

Next up is the skill requirements. In order to do the Glacier Foraging activity, you need both Agility and Foraging to be level 30.

Now once these requirements are out of the way, you will be able to start the actual grind, there is one small caveat though, the W.E.A.R. of 892,308 steps. It's time to gear up!


Gearing Up

The most effective way to reduce our WEAR is to increase our Double Action and Double Rewards stats. Foraging gear almost exclusively come from the Foraging Chest, which means we are off to treasure hunt. When trying to grind skill chests, the most effective method is to load up on global and skill relevant Chest Finding. There is a few items that you can specifically grind, in order to increase your global and foraging Chest Finding, these are:

  • Omni-Tool - One of the most versatile tools in the game.
  • Golden Frisbee - Global Chest Finding makes this an excellent tool to slot in, if you got empty tool slots. Note that it does require you to have completed the Frisbee Golfing (Beginner) activity 20 times, before you can equip it.
  • Clay Frisbee - Same as the above, except it has no requirements. The two Frisbee's do stack .
  • Smelly Socks - A drop from Litter Looting which double serves as a requirement for the normal achievement Master Has Given Dobby A Sock, which is worth 3 ap. It has a WEAR of 12,065 steps.
  • Fireflies in a Jar - A very strong tool, giving 15% CF to both Foraging and Agility. Drops from the activity Butterfly Catching which require Foraging level 40 and Agility level 30. It has a WEAR of 62,746 steps.

The only tool of the above I wouldn't advice getting beforehand is the Fireflies in a Jar. With a max efficiency cap of 80%, it requires good gear to reach the already high WEAR, and it will only serve as a major detour.

The Smelly Socks is a maybe, depending on your current gear. You will already have 25% WE from levels over requirement. If your current gear has a total of at least 30% it will bring the WEAR down to a reasonable ~15,000 steps.

The tool which will improve your chances of getting the BIS the most, is of course the craftable sickles. Ideally you wont start the grind without at least a Steel Sickle of excellent quality, but preferably a Hydrilium Sickle of excellent or better quality.