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Template:Location Connections/doc

From Walkscape Walkthrough


List of Actions

A pipe seperated list of options. Supports from 1-9 actions. More will require editing of the template. Subobtions should be added so they make sense in the direction of the next node.

Options can be a call to Location Connection or Location You Are Here

You can use all or a portion of the 3x3 grid. If a row would be completly empty move everything up as needed and leave off options 7-9 or 4-9 as needed. If you need to pad the table with blanks use a " " character.

Quick Copy

Annotated Copy

{{Location Connections
| (North West)
| (North)
| (North East)
| (West)
| (Center) Usually {{Location You Are Here | Region}}
| (East)
| (South West)
| (South)
| (South East)

Blank Copy

== Connections ==
{{Location Connections

| {{Location Connection 
  | Name = 
  | Icon = 
  | Steps = 
  | Direction = 
| {{Location You Are Here | }}


The Beach of Woes has a single exit to the north east.

== Connections ==
{{Location Connections
|{{Location You Are Here | Jarvonia}}
|{{Location Connection 
  | Name = Disenchanted Forest
  | Icon = Forest white icon.png 
  | Steps = 160
  | Direction = Jarvonia NE



  Location Connections/doc  
 Disenchanted Forest 
No route found Base Steps

Centaham is highly connected to 6 other locations.

== Connections ==
{{Location Connections
|{{Location Connection 
  | Name = Frusenholm
  | Icon = Town_white.png
  | Steps = 618
  | Direction = Jarvonia N
|{{Location Connection 
  | Name = Casbrant Fields
  | Icon = Plains_white.png
  | Steps = 280
  | Direction = Jarvonia W
|{{Location You Are Here | Jarvonia}}
|{{Location Connection 
  | Name = Fort of Permafrost
  | Icon = Castle_white_icon.png
  | Steps = 696
  | Direction = Jarvonia E
|{{Location Connection 
  | Name = Azurazera
  | Icon = Castle_white_icon.png
  | Steps = 800
  | Direction = Jarvonia SW
|{{Location Connection 
  | Name = Coldington
  | Icon = City_white.png
  | Steps = 650
  | Direction = Jarvonia S
|{{Location Connection 
  | Name = Port Skildar
  | Icon = Port_white.png
  | Steps = 550
  | Direction = Jarvonia SE



No route found Base Steps
 Casbrant Fields 
No route found Base Steps
  Location Connections/doc  
 Fort of Permafrost 
No route found Base Steps
No route found Base Steps
No route found Base Steps
 Port Skildar 
No route found Base Steps