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Template:Item Infobox/doc

From Walkscape Walkthrough
(Redirected from Template:Item Infobox/Doc)



The name of the item to appear at the top of the box. This value is optional but strongly recommended. If not provided, the name of the page will be used instead.


The image file to represent the item. This is also strongly recommended. If a value is not provided, a file with the name of the item.png will be attempted. If that item is not found, a question mark image will appear.

Character Level

The Character Level required by the item. If left blank, Character Level will not be shown.


The level of Agility required by the item. If left blank, the Agility skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Carpentry required by the item. If left blank, the Carpentry skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Cooking required by the item. If left blank, the Cooking skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Crafting required by the item. If left blank, the Crafting skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Fishing required by the item. If left blank, the Fishing skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Foraging required by the item. If left blank, the Foraging skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Mining required by the item. If left blank, the Mining skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Smithing required by the item. If left blank, the Smithing skill and level will not be shown.


The level of Woodcutting required by the item. If left blank, the Woodcutting skill and level will not be shown.


The rarity of the item.


The type of item.


The slot the item can be equipped in, if equippable.


The sell value of the item.


The sell value of the fine version of the item if it exists.


A list of applicable keywords linking to the keyword's page separated by commas (Supports up to 5 keywords per item).


A list of applicable Item Sets linking to the set's page separated by </br> breaks if there are more than one.


Set to True if the item should not be added to the category page.

Quick Copy

Notated Copy

| Name = (Recommended)
| Image = (Recommended)
| Agility = (Optional)
| Carpentry = (Optional)
| Cooking = (Optional)
| Crafting = (Optional)
| Fishing = (Optional)
| Foraging = (Optional)
| Mining = (Optional)
| Smithing = (Optional)
| Woodcutting = (Optional)
| Rarity = (Optional)
| Type = (Optional)
| Slot = (Optional)
| Value = (Optional)
| Finevalue = (Optional)
| Keyword = (Optional)
| ItemSet = (Optional)
| Tradable = (Optional)
| Sellable = (Optional)
| Droppable = (Optional)
| Bankable = (Optional)

Empty copy

| Name = 
| Image = 
| Agility = 
| Carpentry = 
| Cooking = 
| Crafting = 
| Fishing = 
| Foraging = 
| Mining = 
| Smithing = 
| Woodcutting = 
| Rarity = 
| Type = 
| Slot = 
| Value = 
| Finevalue = 
| Keyword = 
| ItemSet = 
| Tradable = 
| Sellable = 
| Droppable = 
| Bankable = 

To Do

  • Rarity should probably be pulled out as its own template to make it more digestible and useable elsewhere. The values should also be converted to hex values as named colors are probably not very accurate.
  • Check if this works for crafted items also (I think it will) and then rename it if it does to be more ambiguous. Maybe something like Infobox Item


Shovel Axe
Shovel Axe Sprite
Requires: Mining lvl 50
Woodcutting lvl 50
Type: Loot
Slot: Tool
Value: 100
Keyword(s): Pickaxe
Tradable: Sellable:
Droppable: Bankable:

The formatting for Shovel Axe is as follows:

| Name = Shovel Axe
| Image = Shovel_Axe.svg
| Mining = 50
| Woodcutting = 50
| Rarity = Legendary
| Type = Loot
| Slot = Tool
| Value = 100
| Keyword = Pickaxe, Hatchet

And the result is:

Cape of Half-Achiever
Cape of Half-Achiever Sprite
Type: Loot
Slot: Cape
Value: N/A
Tradable: Sellable:
Droppable: Bankable:

The formatting for Cape of Half-Achiever is as follows:

| Name = Cape of Half-Achiever
| Image = Cape_of_Half-Achiever.svg
| Agility = 
| Carpentry = 
| Cooking = 
| Crafting = 
| Fishing = 
| Foraging = 
| Mining = 
| Smithing = 
| Woodcutting = 
| Rarity = Legendary
| Type = Loot
| Slot = Cape
| Value = N/A
| Keyword = 
| Tradable = No
| Sellable = No
| Droppable = No

And the result is:

Tabbed Items

Tabbed items call the template once for each tab including only the infomation needed for that tab.

The tabbed area starts with a div statement and tabber tag

<div class="tabberfix tabberresize" style="float: right"><tabber>

. And ends by closing the tags


Each tab starts with "pipe hyphen pipe" (|-|) then a name for the tab folowed by an equal sign (=) and then whatever goes inside the tab.

Quick Copy

<div class="tabberfix tabberresize" style="float: right"><tabber>|-| Tab_1_Name =  {{Item_Infobox
| Name = 
| Image = 
| Agility = 
| Carpentry = 
| Cooking = 
| Crafting = 
| Fishing = 
| Foraging = 
| Mining = 
| Smithing = 
| Woodcutting = 
| Rarity = 
| Type = 
| Slot = 
| Value = 
| Finevalue = 
|-| Tab_2_Name = {{Item_Infobox
| Name = 
| Image = 
| Agility = 
| Carpentry = 
| Cooking = 
| Crafting = 
| Fishing = 
| Foraging = 
| Mining = 
| Smithing = 
| Woodcutting = 
| Rarity = 
| Type = 
| Slot = 
| Value = 
| Finevalue = 

Tabbed Example

Fine Material

<div class="tabberfix tabberresize" style="float: right"><tabber>|-| Normal =  {{Item_Infobox
|Title = Nettle
|Image = Nettle.svg
|Type = Material
|Value = 0
|-| Fine = {{Item_Infobox
|Title = Fine Nettle
|Image = Nettle.svg
|Type = Material
|Finevalue = 6

And the result is: