Character Level

From The Walkscape Walkthrough

Character Level impacts many parts of the game of WalkScape. It is leveled up with every step you take, regardless of the activity you are engaged in.

The main returns from progressing your character level are in unlocking more slots on your toolbelt and increasing your saved steps amount. At the start of the game, your character will have 3 slots for your toolbelt unlocked for tools and a saved steps maximum of 6000 steps.

Character Experience Function

/// Calculates the experience needed to level up character level
double xpToLevelCharacter(int level) {
  double xp = 0;
  for (var i = 1; i < level + 1; i++) {
    xp += xpEquate(i.toDouble());
  return (xp / 4).floor().toDouble() * 4.6;

/// XP equation algorithm
int xpEquate(double level) {
  return (level + 300 * pow(2, level / 7)).floor();

Toolbelt Increases

Toolbelt slots unlocked for Tools:





1 3
20 4
50 5
80 6

Saved Steps Increases

Saved steps maximum increases:



Saved Steps


1 6000
10 8000
20 11000
30 14000
40 18000
50 22000
70 26000
80 30000
99 40000