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Syrenthia Faction Rewards

From Walkscape Walkthrough

An underwater realm nested between Jarvonia and the Grand Duchy of Trellin-Erdwise.

This is the faction reputation reward track for the Syrenthia faction.

5 Bubble Blower

Fin Gloves
Chest of Syrenthia
5x Kelp Rolls

10 Tide Trainee

Oxygen Tank
Chest of Syrenthia
5x Saltrum
Syrenthia Banner Cosmetic

20 Coral Apprentice

Mark of the Trident
Chest of Syrenthia
+1000 Fishing Experience

30 Friend of the Underwater

Mark of the Serpent
2x Chest of Syrenthia
200x Sea Shell

45 Reef Explorer

Mark of the Deep One
+1000 Foraging Experience
+1000 Fishing Experience
3x Chest of Syrenthia
Syrenthian Conch Armor Cosmetic

This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 🐛 0.2.0-beta+343 "Syrenthia Bugfix Update"🐛.