Ship Repair (Beginner)

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Ship Repair (Beginner)

You take part in repairs due to wear and tear of small vessels. Timbers, nails, rigging, fittings and ropes are at your disposal. The foreman gives the orders and you execute them masterfully. Maybe one day you will be the one giving the orders.

Ship Repair (Beginner) Ship Repair (Beginner) is a Carpentry activity located in Port Skildar.
This activity is eligible to drop Carpentry Chests and Smithing Chests.

Activity Info

Activity Location(s) Skill(s) Level(s) Exp Base Steps Base Exp/Step Base Total Exp/Step Min Steps Max Exp/Step Total Max Exp/Step Notes
Ship Repair (Beginner) Port Skildar Carpentry 20 43 88 0.489 0.739 52 0.827 1.250 Requires a Carpentry Tool
Smithing 10 22 0.250 0.423

Normal Drops

Item Quantity Chance Rate Value
Single (Stack)
Coins 2-4 91.319% ~ 1 in 2 1 (2-4)
Birch Plank 1-2 4.870% ~ 1 in 21 1 (1-2)
Pine Plank 1-2 2.435% ~ 1 in 42 1 (1-2)
Spruce Plank 1-2 1.218% ~ 1 in 83 2 (2-4)
Life Vest 1 0.158% ~ 1 in 632 14 (14)

Special Drops

Item Type Quantity Chance Rate
Nothing N/A N/A 100% Always
