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Metal Scrap

From Walkscape Walkthrough
Metal Scrap
Metal Scrap
Type: Material
Value: 0
Fine Value: 6
Keyword(s): Light
Tradable: Sellable:
Droppable: Bankable:

Some low-quality metal offcuts

The Metal Scrap item can be found in a chest, and is dropped from an activity.



Metal Scrap can be used to make the following items:

Name Service
Level Materials
Copper Bar Basic Forge Smithing lvl 1 5x Metal Scrap
Bronze Bar Basic Forge Smithing lvl 10 10x Metal Scrap
Iron Bar Basic Forge Smithing lvl 20 20x Metal Scrap
Steel Bar Basic Forge Smithing lvl 30 40x Metal Scrap
Tarsilium Bar Basic Forge Smithing lvl 40 80x Metal Scrap



Activity Skill(s) Quantity Chance Rate W.E.A.R.
Horseshoe Making Smithing lvl 20 2-14 14.965% ~1 in 7 30 steps
Ship Repair (Beginner) Carpentry lvl 20
Smithing lvl 10
2-10 5.873% ~1 in 18 148 steps
Ship Repair (Intermediate) Carpentry lvl 40
Smithing lvl 30
4-20 9.711% ~1 in 11 71 steps
Tinkering Crafting lvl 25 2-20 6.225% ~1 in 17 65 steps


Source Quantity Chance
(Per Roll)
(Per Chest)
Adventuring Guild Chest 20-60 29.781% 75.688% ~1 in 2

Note: Chests roll for loot multiple times.


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