Frisbee Golfing (Intermediate)

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Frisbee Golfing (Intermediate)

As a Intermediate in frisbee golfing, each throw is a new discovery. You learn to gauge the wind and navigate around trees, enjoying the game's simplicity and the joy of watching the disc soar towards the basket.

Frisbee Golfing (Intermediate) Frisbee Golfing (Intermediate) is an Agility activity located in the port city of Bilgemont Port.
This activity is eligible to drop Agility Chests.

Activity Info

Activity Location(s) Skill(s) Level(s) Exp Base Steps Base Exp/Step Base Total Exp/Step Min Steps Max Exp/Step Total Max Exp/Step Notes
Frisbee Golfing (Intermediate) Bilgemont Port Agility 25 392 680 0.576 0.576 378 1.037 1.037 Requires a Frisbee

Normal Drops

Item Quantity Chance Rate Value
Single (Stack)
Nothing N/A 100% Always N/A

Special Drops

Item Type Quantity Chance Rate
Nothing N/A N/A 100% Always
