
From The Walkscape Walkthrough
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Of intrigue and inventions (Galeforge)

July 13th, 2023

You step through the gates of Galeforge, the magnificent city-state. In this sprawling metropolis, gears turn, steam hisses, and the air crackles with electrifying energy. Amidst the whirring contraptions and towering machinery, you navigate the streets, making your way towards the Tower of Invention.

The Tower of Invention is a famous haven for inventors of varying skill, where they can rent workshops from the esteemed owner, Matilda Moltovic. Known for her assistance to novice tinkerers, she guides them on the right path, showing them the ropes of the trade. The anticipation builds within you as you look forward to meeting Moltovic, knowing she personally welcomes every newcomer.

Soon, you arrive at the tower. The first area you encounter is the general work area, sunlight streams through stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues upon workbenches adorned with specialized tools. Here, inventors tinker, weld, and experiment, bringing their visionary creations to life. The atmosphere is alive with excitement and collaboration as brilliant minds come together, sharing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Making your way to higher floors, you reach your personal "roomshop". As you step inside, a sense of awe washes over you. When you began your studies at the academy, you never imagined you would make it this far. You toss your bag onto the bed and take a seat at the spacious workbench, marveling at the vast array of tools available to you.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupts your thoughts. Inviting the person in, you come face-to-face with Matilda Moltovic herself. Wearing fashionable jumpsuit and sporting colorful tinkerer's goggles, which she wears for style rather than function, she lifts the eyewear and greets you with a warm smile. "Welcome, young artificer, to the Tower of Invention, where Imagination Ignites Innovation! Sorry, I have to say it, it's an old tradition. So, what field do you aspire to work in?"

What do you answer?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Military
πŸ‡§ Trade
πŸ‡¨ Relationships
πŸ‡© Agriculture
πŸ‡¨ --

July 18th, 2023

You take your time to answer and think carefully. You've never been into war and violence; those things are repulsive to you. As a result, you have no interest in supporting the military with your work. There are already enough bloodthirsty inventors trying to make the next big weapon.

Working in the trade field could be alright, but it would also support the rich getting richer. And when people have too much money, they start to crave power. You do not want to support that.

While you do appreciate nature and its beauty, you want to live in the city and enjoy the buzz, the people, and the intrigue. Where there are too many people, there are too many problems. If only they knew how to communicate better and resolve feuds without bloodshed, and love each other more truthfully. The possibilities in your mind are endless, so you proudly answer, "Relationships."

Matilda raises her eyebrows in surprise and says, "That's great. I'm very glad to hear that. If you're eager to start working on something, you might be interested in visiting the Innovation Bazaar tomorrow. Many potential investors gather there and look for artificers like yourself to invest in. Until then, I'd suggest you explore Galeforge; there truly is no other city like it. Good luck, and remember, imagination ignites innovation!" She closes her goggles and leaves gracefully.

You look out through your window. Your room, being on one of the top floors, has a magnificent view over the bustling city of Galeforge. You see a gigantic airship glide over the many buildings, towers, and streets. On it's side, there's a banner with text "Dragonov Dynamics: Where Burnout isn't a Badge of Honor. Apply now!"

What place do you visit?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Clockwork Carnage - automaton fight club
πŸ‡§ Steamport - steam powered ship docks
πŸ‡¨ The Iron Kettle - popular tavern in Galeforge
πŸ‡¦ --

July 21st, 2023

You decide it would be appropriate to celebrate moving in here with some entertainment, and there is nothing more exciting than the automaton fight club known as Clockwork Carnage. In its early days, it used to be fashioned after fighting sports, with small automatons battling it out in the ring.

The officials got worried that this could lead to more inventions in this brutal direction of creating fighting machines, so they banned such fights. However, the fight club pivoted and transformed its popular sport. Clockwork Carnage became a racing event where automatons were put on wheels. An exciting race track was made, full of twists and turns, traps, and pits. The automatons were still equipped with weapons, and they were allowed to be used on the track. So, the fight club became a battle race track, but it kept its old title.

You make your way through the city and enter Clockwork Carnage. At the heart of the building lies an awe-inspiring sight - an intricate automaton battle racing track that weaves through the interior, showcasing the remarkable prowess of clockwork racers. Gears interlock, pistons pump, and spectators are entranced as these mechanical marvels surge forward, leaving trails of mystifying steam and sparks behind them.

You decide that you'd like to enter a race. There's some pretty standard quality automaton racers for rent, so you pick one and go up to the racing board to choose which race to enter. Harder the race, bigger the rewards.

Which race do you enter?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Copper (Easy) reward - free drinks
πŸ‡§ Iron (Medium) reward - common crafting materials
πŸ‡¨ Titanium (Hard) reward - rare crafting materials
πŸ‡¨ Dice: [d20]
Roll: [4]

July 27th, 2023

As you examine the board, you notice that the reward for the Titanium race is a rough diamond. You're pleasantly surprised by the value of this prize, so you pay the entry fee for the race and head to the starting line. Seven other contestants are placing their remote-controlled automaton racers on the track.

The mechanical units come in various shapes and modifications. Some pump steam, while others whiz with electrical noise. You realize that you're the only one with a rented automaton, and it looks quite shoddy compared to the others.

You take your place next to the track, and soon the race begins. The automatons speed off, and you find yourself in the middle of the pack when the first sharp turn comes. You position your automaton on the outer side of the curve, barely keeping it on the track. That's when a fairly large battering ram-like automaton strikes your unit from the back, throwing you out of the race.

The race continues without you, and eventually, the battering ram wins. You realize you had greatly underestimated the Titanium race of Clockwork Carnage. Without wasting any more time, you head to your roomshop for a good night's rest. Tomorrow, you shall find an investor and start working on your first real invention.

Next day you go to the Innovation Bazaar. It's a huge place with many small tables setup, where potential investors are sitting, eating and drinking. Next to each table are quick description of what sort of invention they are looking for, if anyone finds that interesting they can sit down and talk with them further. You spend your time to carefully examine most offers, and three seems suitable for your relationship field.

First comes from a man in his forties "Wanted: A brilliant inventor to assist a mature gentleman in his forties to strengthen the bonds of love and connection with his spouse. Your mission: Develop a revolutionary device that enhances communication and understanding between the couple."

Second one is made by the Dragonov Dynamics "We are on the lookout for a visionary inventor capable of creating an innovative device that improves the communication and relationships between the higher-ups and the main workforce. Worker efficiency, satisfaction and happiness are of great value to us. Join us to keep the cogs well oiled and rotating flawlessly"

Third one come from an elven woman "Having spent hundreds of years in the serene woods, I now seek to embrace city life at Galeforge. However, anxiety hinders me around people, making it hard to connect and experience new friendships. I need an invention to help me adapt to the social life of the city. Help me on this transformative journey, crafting a solution to bridge the gap between two worlds."

Which job offer do you approach?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ First - man in forties
πŸ‡§ Second - Dragonov Dynamics
πŸ‡¨ Third - elven woman
πŸ‡¦ --

August 5th, 2023

You immediately feel drawn to the elven woman. You think you would be a great fit for her request, as you spent summers with your family in the forests where elves often lived. You could even refresh your elven language skills. As you step towards her table, you see that another elven woman with long red hair starts talking with her. Upon reaching them, before you're able to speak, the elven woman says to you with a big smile, "I'm sorry, I've found my helper just now," and she shakes hands with the red-haired woman's hand.

You decide to approach the older gentleman next. You sit down, and the man introduces himself as Drakmir Ironsky. Then he explains his situation:

"My marriage has come to a weird place. You see, my children are all grown up and have left the home recently, so in my home it's just me and the miss. I always looked forward to this time, but now that it's come, it's not that great."

The gentleman lets out a sigh and takes a gulp from a bottle of water. He then continues:

"We both have been so busy with our careers and children that we have not spent much attention to each other through the years, and now it feels like we are... strangers."

"None of our interests match, our friends are from different groups, and we barely speak. How I wish we could just fight about who will do the dishes, but everything seems to be in... harmony, but not the good kind."

"Can you build something that would rekindle the flame between us? We had so much in common all those years ago, but everything seems to have faded. I have full trust in your abilities, whatever you will create, I will pay for. Regardless of the results. Will you help me?" the man asks almost desperately.

You nod approvingly. You shake hands and agree to meet in a few days. Feeling nervous but excited, you leave the Innovation Bazaar, eager to start brainstorming ideas. You go to your room-shop and spend three days bundled inside there, coming out just to eat and drink. After the intense work period of thinking, sketching, tinkering, you've come up with three somewhat decent ideas. Now comes the important decision which your brainchild should you pursue.

Harmoniac 2000: an elegant music box with intricate gears and tubes, which when activated emits soothing melodies and resonant frequencies that have a calming effect on the emotions of those who hear it. Also it requires two people to be present for it to work. Eventually the users are supposed to get bored of the melodies and engage in conversations, spending a quality time together.

Memosphere: steam-powered glass orb that allows couples to revisit their cherished memories together. When activated, the Memosphere projects vivid holographic scenes of past experiences, immersing the couple in their shared memories. By reliving their happiest moments, the couple has a chance to rekindle their emotional connection and remember the love and joy they shared.

Empathron: a device resembling a small, elegant pocket watch. When both partners wear the empathrons, they create a psychic link, allowing them to feel each other's emotions and experiences. The gears and steam-powered crystals work together to establish a subtle, empathetic connection. This device is intended to help bridge emotional gaps and foster open communication as the users become more attuned to each other's needs and emotions.

Wich invention do you pursue?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Harmoniac 2000
πŸ‡§ Memosphere
πŸ‡¨ Empathron
πŸ‡§ --

August 11th, 2023

After countless reviews of your three project sketches, you decide to pursue the Memosphere. Harmoniac 2000 feels a bit too simple; is it anything more than a regular music box? On the other hand, building an Empathron could be an exceedingly challenging task; connecting emotions and experiences between two people could lead down horrifying paths. Memosphere seems to strike a balance, and it has a pleasant ring to it.

You assess the required materials. Most of the itemsβ€”nuts, bolts, gears, and tubesβ€”are all available here in the Tower of Invention. What's missing is the glass orb. While you could find a basic one, it wouldn't be capable of harnessing the energy you've calculated will be necessary for your invention. You require a more sophisticated material, such as etherglass or frostglass. Having been awake for too many hours, you decide to leave this problem-solving for tomorrow. You lie down in your bed, and sleep comes swiftly.

You're awakened by a knock on the door. Opening it, you see Matilda Moltovic, the owner of the Tower of Invention, standing there. This time, she's wearing a tophat with goggles, a popular headwear in Galeforge.

"Rise and shine, young inventor! Dream, create, repeat – that's the inventor's beat," she says, her apologies following as she tests out some new slogans. "So, what are you working on?" she asks curiously.

She doesn't have to ask twice. You explain everything you have planned for the Memosphere. You show her the sketches, lay out the workflow, and mention the necessary materials.

"Intriguing! You've done a great job. And you're correct in assuming that you need special glass for this. An exceptional material is required for such a spectacular design. You'll have to earn quite a few coins to afford it, but with a mind like yours, I'm sure it won't be a problem. Anyway, I'm glad you're doing well. First customerβ€”very exciting!" she says, joyfully walking out of the room while doing a little spin. Refreshed and inspired, you sit down at your workbench. You pull some levers, and your old self-built coffee maker whirrs and puffs as it brews you a fresh cup of coffee. While enjoying your drink, you contemplate the available options.

A position in Steamport emerges as a possibility. Steamships always require mechanics for repairs and maintenance. Perhaps you could even gain a firsthand look at rare goods arriving from distant places.

Becoming an engineer at Dragonov Dynamics presents another avenue, though you're concerned that they might confine you to a permanent role, and you could become too accustomed to a stable life.

Yet another choice involves joining a repair shop. Many Galeforge residents possess devices that frequently require fixing and adjustments. Who knows whom you might encounter as customers.

What job do you choose?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Steamport Mechanic
πŸ‡§ Dragonov Dynamics Engineer
πŸ‡¨ Repairshop Tinkerer
πŸ‡¨ --

August 23th, 2023

Without wasting time, you head to the nearest repair shop called Rusty Rivet Repairs. It's run by an old lady named Zandra. After her husband's death, who owned the business, she decided to continue its operation. Her husband had always worked alone, but he had a great array of various tools, books, and reagents, all kept in perfect condition. Zandra recruited some tinkerers and has been running the place ever since. It's well-known as a trusted place for daily repairs.

It's your lucky day! There's a sign posted on the door that says, "Looking for a skilled artisan." You enter and are greeted by the sweet old Zandra, who treats you to tea and cookies made by an automatic steam kitchen. She interviews you, and at the end of the conversation, you can call yourself a Rusty Rivets employee. You gladly take as many shifts as possible and even agree to start working today, right now.

You don't have to wait for long until your first customer comes through the door. It's a lady from the upper class. You can tell by her chic and stylish clothing. She's brought her pocket watch, which has stopped working. You get to work, and by the end of the day, it's ticking smoothly. Satisfied with your first day, you leave Rusty Rivet and return home at Tower of Invention.

You sit down at your workbench and do some calculations. If your math is correct, and it surely is, it will take half a year to afford the pristine glass. Not ideal, as by the time you get your hands on frostglass or something similar, Drakmir's marriage might already be in ruins. You hope for an opportunity to come by, but until then, you're determined to be the best tinkerer Rusty Rivet's Repair has ever had.

Days go by at your new job, and you're doing great. Customers are satisfied, and so is Zandra. You can't stop worrying about the gentleman who's waiting on the Memosphere, but you push those thoughts back and just carry on. As you had hoped, one day an opportunity presents itself. It's another typical day at the Rusty River. Zandra leaves the shop to dine somewhere in the city. You put up a lunch break sign on the entrance door and sit down to enjoy a meal made by the steam kitchen. As you're munching down on potatoes with gravy, suddenly the entrance door swings open, and a tall, slim man comes through it.

He's wearing a dark purple silk cloak and a beautiful cowboy-style hat with three colorful feathers behind its leather strap. Before you can say anything or even swallow the mouthful of food, he says, "You don't have to get up. I just wanted to inform you that I'm looking for a skilled and motivated individual for a highly secretive job. The reward for it would be this," and he produces a frosted glass orb, which you immediately recognize as the frostglass; he then hides it. "If you're not interested, you never met me. If you are, then meet me tomorrow at midnight in the Steamport. Come alone," the man says, tips his hat, and leaves.

You swallow the potatoes. That was weird, you think, but soon after lunch, a regular customer comes in, and you forget about the strange man who came earlier. Later, after your shift, when you're lying in your bed, you think about the encounter. Can you trust the man? The orb he showed you was clearly exactly what you need, but how could he have known? You consider your options. You could forget about this and continue working as you've done until now and earn the money for the orb in several months. You could also risk it and go meet him. Or maybe you'd better consult with someone.

What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Meet the man at midnight in Steamport
πŸ‡§ Igore the man
πŸ‡¨ Talk about it to Mathilda Moltovic
πŸ‡© Talk about it to Zandra
πŸ‡¦ --

September 18th, 2023

You decide that this is not the time to hesitate. There's a marriage on the line, and if you're not quick enough with the Memosphere invention, it might be too late for them. Also, it wouldn't feel good to fail on your first true project. With the decision made, you fall asleep.

The next day, work at the repair shop drags on, and as the end of the shift approaches, the stress grows larger. You can feel knots in your stomach, and there is no way you will have dinner this evening. Before you leave, Zandra comes up and expresses her concern for you as you've been acting a bit distant today, but you brush it off, pack your stuff, and leave.

You walk the streets of Galeforge and play out different scenarios of what might happen when meeting the strange man. Robberies, kidnapping, and murder in Steamport come up in the newspaper from time to time. You never really paid attention to those stories because you were sure that they would never be your concern. However, now you are concerned about becoming another dark story in the paper.

Consumed by these dark thoughts, you don't notice the sun setting. The streetlamps are lit, and the whole city takes on a different vibe, which only enhances your paranoid thoughts. Nonetheless, you make your way to Steamport, where work never stops. Workers are loading and unloading ships, people are drinking and playing dice and other games on the street.

You stroll through the docks, realizing the man never gave you an exact location for the meeting, so you just take a seat on one of the smaller pier pillars. As you wait in the unknown, you fiddle with your pocket tinkering tools in your hand. The skies are clear and full of stars, a salty breeze is blowing, and people pass by without paying much attention to you.

Suddenly, you hear "PSST!" sound from behind you. There's a small rowboat with mechanical oars, and the mysterious man is sitting in it with his face hidden behind the shadow of his cowboy hat.

He invites you into his boat, and you comply. The boat automatically starts rowing, and you both leave the pier. When you are a bit further away from the docks, the man speaks, "We don't need to know much about each other, but we do need to work together because we both have something the other needs. I have the glass orb you require, and you have the fire in your eye to do anything to get it."

"Recently, I've acquired a device that was made by an artificer who, sadly, didn't know how to keep his mouth shut and had the courage to finish the job he took on. So, he had to leave the city," he says with a grin.

"I need you to finish the job. I will give you the device, you will figure out how to use it, and then you will finish the job that the previous tinkerer couldn't. For that, you will receive the frostglass. This should be done as soon as you can; it's in both our interests, I suppose. I'm a trusting man, so here it is," he produces a small box and gives it to you.

The boat has finished a small circle in the water, and you're back at the pier. "Now go home, study the device and how to use it. I'm sure you will understand its use in the process. In two days, you will receive the target; I'm sure you'll handle it just fine," as you step out of the boat, he says, "Looks like I gotta go!" and the boat rows away quickly.

Now you notice the haste; from the Steamport streets, three guards are coming your way. "Excuse me! Please, stay where you are!" they shout at you!

What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Run Away (Medium)
πŸ‡§ Wait and tell the truth
πŸ‡¨ Talk your way out of this (Medium)
πŸ‡§ Dice: [d20]
Roll: [18]

September 27th, 2023

Now you know what your fight or flight response is as you freeze in place while the guards shout at you. You try to remain calm; your intellectual abilities have always exceeded the physical, so you're sure you will figure a way out of this.

The guards are dressed in typical Galeforge dark purple uniforms, with hard caps on their heads and greenish goggles that enhance their sight in darkness. Upon reaching you, the lead guard raises his goggles and speaks in a commanding tone. "State your name and your business in Steamport at such a late hour."

You explain who you are and that there is no law against being in Steamport after midnight. As for your business here, you mention that you've had a pleasant boat ride under the beautiful starry night sky.

The guard continues to interrogate you, saying, "You were not alone on that boat. The person you were with is well known to the authorities. Any business done with them is under high suspicion in the eyes of the law. What were you doing?"

You've found your inner confidence, and you correct the guard, explaining that you were not doing any business with the person. You were on a date, which sadly ended on an upsetting note. You'd rather have been dreamily strolling back to your home now than explaining yourself.

The guard becomes annoyed that he doesn't have anything to arrest you for and says, "Be careful who you associate yourself with. If you are seen with that person again, you will be brought in for in-depth questioning. You can and should leave Steamport now; I don't care that it's not against the law to be here."

He doesn't have to tell you twice. You spin on your heel and walk straight away from the Steamport district. Now the stress washes over you. Who truly is the person you're getting involved with? What is the device in your pocket? The questions make your head spin, and you go straight to your room/shop, then arrange a message to be sent to Zandra that you will not be coming into work tomorrow.

The next day, you wake up with one thought: "I have to get over this as soon as possible." You go straight to your workstation and start tinkering with the device you were given. After several hours of studying it, you've understood it from top to bottom.

The device is not that complex, but it is quite sinister. It's a small box similar to a musical one, with a button. When pressed, one of two things happens: either a small ballerina pops out of the box, does a little dance, and melodically says, "Screw you and your corporation!" or the person who presses the button receives a deadly amount of electrical shock and dies.

You are turning a blind eye to the nature of the device, its potential use, and the target. You just want to get it over with and help the gentleman save his marriage! Before you are ready to deliver the device to the target, it's up to you to set up the device. There are three ways you can configure it.

How do you setup the device?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ It kills the person
πŸ‡§ The dancer pops out
πŸ‡¨ You leave it up to a random 50/50 chance
πŸ‡¨ --

October 23th, 2023

You think very carefully about this. Time moves so slowly that minutes feel like weeks. Eventually, you decide to leave the fate of whoever will interact with this box up to chance. You set it so there is a 50/50 chance of the music box killing the person who pushes the button or the little dancer popping out. With that done, you slip into your bed, where you try to fall asleep, but only towards dawn does the peace come to your troubled mind, and you find rest.

You wake well past noon and notice an envelope next to the music box. You're puzzled as to how this envelope got here, but then again, you were exhausted and must not have heard anyone entering. How could anyone enter? You always lock the door for the night, and now, when you check the door, it's still locked. You shrug and pick up the envelope. It has a purple wax seal with a symbol that looks like an eye with three keys for its lashes.

You break it and take out a note. It instructs you to meet a woman in a purple hood. She will be at the entrance of the central Dragonov Dynamics factory. The meeting is in an hour. You've slept too long. You quickly gather your belongings, chug coffee straight out of the steam device you've created, and dash out of the door, grabbing the box with you.

You try not to think about the device that you've adjusted; you focus on the gentleman whose marriage is in peril. Soon, you will create the Memosphere and help them discover each other once again. The price of that might be someone's death, a thought intrudes. That's when you notice the woman; she's wearing a muted purple hood that covers most of her face.

You walk straight to her. She gestures to keep silent and extends her hand. You put the music box in her hand without hesitation. She pockets it somewhere beneath the robe, then the woman turns and enters the factory, leaving you behind on the streets of Galeforge.

Now that the deed is done, you become restless. Your mind races with anticipation of what fate will befall the unfortunate gift recipient. You must know. You slip into the factory. Several workers are coming in and out of the factory. It's a well-known fact that Dragonov Dynamics runs their factories 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tough workers use heavy machinery to produce various metal objects, which are then assembled into many Galeforgian things.

Nobody pays much attention to you as the machines thud and clank against the metal parts. You search for the hooded woman and notice that she's walking straight to the shift manager's room, which is all the way across the machinery area. You pick up your pace to reach her.

She walks with great determination, not a care in her step. Does she know about the device? Could it be that she doesn't know about the potentially deadly nature of the box, or even worse, she might not care. She enters the door on which it says, "Zoltan Zimkov, Shift Manager." Luckily, the room has a large, dirty glass window for overseeing the work.

You peek through the window and see the hooded woman take her hood off, revealing a dark blue braided hairstyle. She's talking with the manager, who laughs heartily. She then produces the music box. You feel a knot twist in your stomach as she places the box on his table. Zoltan, a fat, balding man with a smile wider than his waist, picks up the box and inspects it. They talk a bit more, and then the woman puts on the hood and leaves.

The manager takes a handful of peanuts from a bowl on his desk and munches them greedily. He fidgets with the box using his fingers but avoids pressing the button. Knots in your stomach twist and turn as you can't take your eyes off the man and the box. Without much ceremony, suddenly the man presses the button, and a little dancer pops out. She does a small dance, and you see the man burst into laughter.

A sense of relief washes over you, and the knot in your gut untangles. You can't believe a man almost died because of your indecision. You leave the factory as quickly as you can and return straight to your roomshop. You unlock the door, and on your workdesk, there's a leather bag with something round in it. You open the bag, and you can't believe it, but the frostglass orb is there, a very valuable material. Finally, you will be ready to help the gentleman.

Tonight, you fall asleep instantly and enjoy a peaceful night's rest. You are awakened by a knocking on your door. When you open it, you see the owner of this place, Tower of Inventions, Matilda Moltovic, standing there. She's wearing a dark, fitted Galeforgian suit and a golden monocle. This is the first time you've seen her displeased, not a hint of her usual cheerfulness. She firmly asks you one question, "Have you had contact with The Keyholders?"

What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Yes
πŸ‡§ No (Medium)
πŸ‡§ --

February 1, 2024

Honesty is the best policy, a thought that rings through your mind. Nervously, you gulp and say, "Y-Yes," feeling almost ashamed. You avoid her gaze and listen as Matilda Moltovic, the owner of Towner of Inventions, scolds you.

"I am very disappointed in you," she says. "The Keyholders are known to lure bright inventors like yourself with promises of riches and power. However, they do not operate with good intentions. Rarely do their actions benefit anyone other than themselves. I do not know in what sort of activity you have been involved with them, nor do I want to, but I will give you only one warning. If you ever contact them again, you will be evicted from here and reported to the authorities."

"Now, excuse me," she finishes her speech coldly and leaves the room.

You slouch into a chair, feeling bad that you've let down Mrs. Moltovic. She was always so inspiring and proud of every inventor taking residency in her building. Now, it feels like your relationship will never be the same. You take the leather bag from your table and produce the beautiful Frostglass orb. You've never held a material so expensive and powerful. You decide that you will never, ever contact the Keyholders again; this was a one-time thing.

Without wasting more time, you begin the work on Memosphere, a device that will let a couple with relationship problems extract their memories and remind each other of the good times and the love they used to have.

After a few days of work, your brainchild is born. The Frostglass orb has been mounted onto a sturdy copper tripod. Underneath, between the tripod legs, is a crystal-powered generator that activates the magical properties of the orb. Two colored wires run out of the device, and at the end of those are retainers made from soft material.

For the device to work, two people who have created memories together have to put the retainers in their mouths and calm their minds. The device then scans through their memories and finds the times they felt the happiest together. After that, both users get to relive that memory together, not only watching from the side but actually being themselves. Those memories are projected in the orb and can then be recalled and reviewed in the Frostglass at other times. You hope this will help.

The next day, you've set up a meeting with the gentlemen. You're nervous about it but immensely proud of yourself. What you have created, even if not helpful, is a very advanced mechanism. You meet in the same place as before, in the Bazaar. Drakmir Ironsky is waiting for you at a table, looking at you eagerly. You sit down and present the Memosphere, providing great detail about how it's been made and how it's supposed to work. The gentleman listens to you with great attention; he even recalls several memories that he and his wife would love to go back to.

He's eager to try it out, so he gives you a medium lockbox filled with coins, then takes the Memosphere and stands up. As he leaves, he mentions that he will give a report on this soon.

You return to your room in the tower. The money you received surely feels nice and will feed you for a long time, but you're still worried if the device will truly help. You've finished your end of the bargain, but you also wish for it to actually help. To pass the time, you decide to make your own automaton racer; maybe someday you could join the Clockwork Carnage again.

After a week, you receive a letter from Drakmir Ironsky.

"My friend, I'm most happy to tell you that Memosphere has been helping. I'm worried it might be even addicting! We're using it all the time; to feel young, healthy, and in love again is marvelous. It has also brought us closer together as we spend time going through other memories we want to revisit, or even create new ones to revisit later in life. Thank you; you've changed our lives.

Eternally grateful, Drakmir Ironsky"

You close the letter and place it on the table. You feel proud of yourself. The thought that it has helped fulfills you more than the money earned. You feel ready to revisit the Innovation Bazaar and take on a new job. As you ponder what work is going to be next, you look outside through the window, where a blue and violet mechanical parrot has just landed on your open window's windowsill. In its beak, it holds a key...

Of cults and cold (Jarvonia)

February 1, 2023


What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Throw salted pork snout from your backpack (Easy)
πŸ‡§ Run to Kallaheim (Medium)
πŸ‡¨ Attack the wolf with your trusty dagger (Hard)
πŸ‡© Play dead (Extreme)
πŸ‡§ Dice: [d20]
Roll: [6]

February 2, 2024

The cold sun rises over Centaham, a village situated right in the heart of Jarvonia. All travelers entering this region pass through this town, though sadly, very few choose to stay. The surroundings offer little of interest, with endless fields of snow and hills devoid of valuable ore.

As you sip coffee from a sturdy wooden mug, you watch the sunrise on this significant day. Today marks your departure from Centaham, the place you've called home since childhood. Although you've never ventured beyond its borders, that's about to change. Over the past few weeks, you've attentively listened to the tales shared by passing travelers. Your aspiration is to become a hero of Jarvonia, the protector of the realm. Consequently, you've compiled various rumors that could set you on the path to glory.

You've narrowed down your options to three distinct possibilities, each in a different part of the region. First, there's a peculiar incident reported far south, past the Azurazera. Sailors claim to have spotted a massive ice skull erupting from the earth. While many dismiss it as mere gossip, no one has ventured to investigate. Being the first to explore this mysterious occurrence could be a tale worth telling.

The second option is to journey to Nurturing Nook Springs, a popular spot for those seeking relief from illnesses and old age. The spring's water has long been believed to possess healing properties, but recent reports suggest a dark turn. The water appears to be corrupted, causing those who immerse themselves in it to develop a painful skin condition akin to leprosy. Figuring out what's causing the corruption would surely make you popular.

The third and final option leads west to Barbantok, a favored destination for lumberjacks. Lately, a disturbing trend has emerged as several individuals have gone missing in the woods. Suspicions point to a connection with the change in their religious leader. The former priest retired, and the new leader has ceased making offerings to the Nomad Wood spirits. Investigating this matter could unravel a mystery that holds the key to the missing people in the forest.

Where do you go?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Ice Skull South of Azurazera
πŸ‡§ Nurturing Nook Springs to Northwest
πŸ‡¨ Barbantok to the West
πŸ‡§ --

February 7, 2024

You reminisce about your childhood trip to Nurturing Nook Springs, where you spent three whole days with your family. The water shimmered with a vibrant blue, almost teal hue, and it exuded warmth, even heat. Fond memories of those springs fill your mind, and the thought of such a natural wonder potentially being lost saddens you. Determined to investigate whether the water is truly corrupted and, if so, to find a way to restore it, you embark on your journey.

Your travel backpack is already packed with equipment, and you firmly grasp your grandfather's walking stick, which fits comfortably in your palm. With the sun shining overhead, you commence your trek to Nurturing Nook Springs. Located roughly 50 miles from Centaham, fortunately, most of the journey follows a dirt road leading northward toward Frusenholm.

After several days of travel, you reach the point where you must leave the road and traverse fields of snow. Opting to camp near the road before venturing into the wilderness, you awaken early the next morning to the sound of voices speaking in a language foreign to you, likely Erdwiss. Peeking out from your tent, you observe three individuals: a middle-aged lady adorned in regal attire with a snow fox fur mantle, a man of similar age wearing a stylish and expensive fur coat, and a young man whom you presume to be their servant, laden with two backpacksβ€”one on his back and one on his front.

Upon noticing you, the lady addresses you in the common tongue, "Ah, good morning to you, fine gentleman! I am Madam Eberhart, and this is my husband," she gestures to the man beside her. "We've been traveling to Nurturing Nook Springs, but unfortunately, our good for nothing guide here has forgotten to pack the map. Would you happen to know the way there?" You nod and explain that you're also headed in that direction, offering to accompany them. Delighted by the prospect, they quickly prepare to depart, and the four of you set out across the snowy fields. During your journey with them, you discover that Sir Eberhart suffers from a lung condition that causes difficulty breathing and frequent coughing. Having heard of the springs reputed magical healing properties, they've embarked on this journey.

However, you can't help but notice their mistreatment of their servant, a behavior uncommon in Jarvonia. They never assist with carrying their bags and frequently berate the poor servant, even without apparent cause.

As you approach the springs, the question weighs on your mind: should you warn them about the possibility of corruption? Would they even listen to you? Perhaps at the very least, you should warn the servant, who appears to suffer from their mistreatment.

What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Warn them all about the corrupted springs (Easy)
πŸ‡§ Warn only their servant (Medium)
πŸ‡¨ Do not mention the corrupted water and watch them enter the springs
πŸ‡§ --

February 19, 2024

As your group approaches the springs, you feel the warm air heated by the water, with light steam slowly rising from bubbling pool. You come up with an excuse to stay back, informing the royal pair and their servant that you're experiencing stomach cramps and would prefer not to ruin the springs for them. You move deeper into the bushes and squat down while maintaining a good view of the three.

They gradually remove their gear and clothes, stripping down to their underwear, which strikes you as odd, as Jarvonian traditions dictate entering the springs fully naked. They engage in cheerful conversation among themselves. Before entering the water, they join hands and step onto the rocky ledge. They mutter some words together, and then Madam Eberhart counts to three before they leap into the Nurturing Nooks Springs. Cold sweat drips down your brow, and your stomach twists and turns for real.

You witness the group making a splash and then emerging from the water, screaming at the top of their lungs. They clutch their faces, which appear to be bloody, and flail their arms around, attempting to escape the corrupted water. As they tumble out of the springs and onto the ground, they roll around in the snow, seeking relief from the cold. You watch the unbelievable scene, stunned in your squatting position.

After a minute or so, the woman stands up, most of her body covered in boils and bruises. She frantically looks around, her eyes searching for something. Then her gaze locks with yours, and she screams while pointing at you, "What are you looking at?! You knew, didn't you? You dirty Jarvonian dog, you knew! Should've listened to my father who said never to trust a northerner. Edmund, catch that bastard and throw him in the pool!" she orders her servant.

In a pain-fueled rage, the young servant named Edmund, with a bloody face and wearing nothing but underpants, sprints directly at you, yelling some angry gibberish.

Your senses come back, and you realize you have to react quickly. What did you even expect to happen when you didn't tell them? Now you're in quite the pickle.

What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Run away (Easy)
πŸ‡§ Wrestle the servant into the springs (Medium)
πŸ‡¨ Talk your way out (Hard)
πŸ‡§ Dice: [d20]
Roll: [15]

March 3rd, 2024

You focus onto the crazed young man running at you. As he quickly approaches, screaming mad, you take two steps towards him and lunge with your right shoulder right into the man's belly. The air is whooshed out of the servant's lungs with a loud grunt.

Filled with adrenaline, you keep pushing forward, almost running with the man on your shoulder. He bashes your back with his fists, but you ignore the pain and press on. Once you're close enough to the corrupted springs, you muster your strength and toss the poor man into the spoiled water.

As his body is engulfed by water, he screams and flails his arms around. He struggles to stand and slowly makes his way for the ledge to climb out, but you're already there and without much problem, push the screaming man back in.

After a few tries, the man doesn't struggle to get out, nor does he scream. His body floats above the water, his boil-covered face staring emptily into the sky. Your face and hands also burn and itch slightly as some water splashes on you.

Now that you take a glance around, you see that while you were dealing with the servant, the almost naked Eberhart pair has been running away in the direction you came. You also notice a set of eyes watching you from the woods. It's a man with a dark, long beard; he's not wearing any clothes apart from a loincloth made from hide. On his face is a large moose skull with wide antlers.

What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Run after the Erdwiss pair to kill them (Medium)
πŸ‡§ Approach the man in the woods
πŸ‡¨ Go back home to recuperate
πŸ‡§ --

March 18th, 2024

You glance back at the Erdwiss pair who are running away through the snowy woods, but you feel nothing. It was their own fault. And the dead man floating in the bubbling pools wouldn't have died if he hadn't attacked you. At least that's what you tell yourself.

Your eyes wander to the masked man in the deeper woods. You feel strangely drawn to him. He motions for you to follow him, and you obey. Your feet carry you step by step closer to the figure. The antlered man turns and walks deeper into the woods as you follow him.

It's hard to tell how long your journey takes; you feel very hazy after the events at the springs. They feel so far away now. The man you're following hasn't said a word, and you haven't either. The crunching of snow and occasional twigs fill the ambience.

Darkness falls upon you, but that doesn't slow you down. The old man expertly walks through the woods until you come to a clearing. It's filled with several tents made from hides. The place is illuminated by a few blocks of ice that glow with blue light. There is no fire in the camp.

There are also a dozen humans dressed similarly to the antlered man. They are almost naked save for loincloths covering some of their parts. None of them wear animal skulls like the man you've followed. They stare at you as you enter their camp. One woman grabs at her knife, but the antlered man gestures for her to calm down, and she does so.

The man turns to you and says in a voice muffled by the moose skull on its head, "You have the heart of a true northerner. The people have grown weak. They seek heat to heal themselves when they should turn to the cold for salvation."

"We submit ourselves to the cold, and we are blessed with an inner fire that never goes out. We shall bring cold to all the realms and purify the world of the weakness that has grown over the years."

"Back there at the springs, you didn't hesitate. You already have the twigs inside you that await the spark to ignite them. You have my offer to join us. If you do, you shall start the most important journey of your life that will change you and the world as you know it. If you don't, you will go back to the bleak life you once had until one day you shall die alone and cold in your bed, wishing you hadn't turned down my invitation all those years back."

What do you do?
Options Chosen Dice Roll
πŸ‡¦ Agree to join truly (Easy)
πŸ‡§ Pretend to join them (Medium)
πŸ‡¨ Deny the offer to join
πŸ‡§ Dice: [d20]
Roll: [20]