Trellin Faction Rewards

From The Walkscape Walkthrough

The western duchy of the Grand Duchy of Trellin-Erdwise, that rules over the Great Marshes from Salsfirth.

This is the faction reputation reward track for the Trellin faction.

5 Mudcrawler

Chest of GDTE
3x Schnitzel

10 Trainee of Cold

Trusty Tent
Chest of GDTE
10x Cooked Carp
Trellin Banner Cosmetic

20 Bog-Trodden Trainee

Rooted Ring
2x Chest of GDTE
4x Salmon Pie

30 Mire Wader

Mosquito Net Hat
2x Chest of GDTE
10x Cooked Swordfish

45 Acolyte of the Marsh

Rooted Ring
2x Chest of GDTE
10x Cooked Shark
Trellin Bush Vest Cosmetic

This page has been updated to reflect information in game version 0.2.0-beta+322 "The Syrenthia Update".