Template:Item Intro/doc

From The Walkscape Walkthrough

This template is designed to easily format the introduction information for items.


  • Name = Item name in Title Case (Required)
  • Description = (Flavor text/Description on the item) (Optional)
  • Source1 = (Optional)
  • Source2 = (Optional)
  • Source3 = (Optional)
  • Source4 = (Optional)

Valid Sources:

  • Chest (For anything that is a random drop from chests.)
  • Shop (For anything that can be purchased from a shop.)
  • Activity (For anything that can be dropped by completing an activity)
  • Created (For anything that can be made by a transformative skill like smithing, crafting, or cooking.)
  • Achievement (For anything given as a reward for completing achievements.
  • Attribute (For anything given as a special drop from the Find item attribute.)

You can add sources in any order though the above order is preferred for consistency.

Copyable Code

|Name = 
|Description = 
|Source1 = 
|Source2 = 
|Source3 = 
|Source4 = 


Example 1:

The Water Bottle is dropped by agility chests


|Name = Water Bottle
|Description = A glass bottle filled with fresh clean drinking water. Stay hydrated!
|Source1 = Chest
|Source2 = 
|Source3 = 
|Source4 = 


A glass bottle filled with fresh clean drinking water. Stay hydrated!

The Water Bottle item can be found in a chest.

Example 2:

Wine is found from chests and can be purchased.


|Name = Wine
|Description = The nectar of nobles and adventurers alike, it promises a taste of both the past and the present to those who rase their goblets in toast.
|Source1 = Chest
|Source2 = Shop
|Source3 = 
|Source4 = 


The nectar of nobles and adventurers alike, it promises a taste of both the past and the present to those who rase their goblets in toast.

The Wine item can be found in a chest, and is obtained from a shop.

Full Set of Possible Examples

No Source

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item cannot currently be obtained.

Chest Only

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest.

Shop Only

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop.

Activity Only

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is dropped from an activity.

Creation Only

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Achievement Only

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Chest & Shop

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, and is obtained from a shop.

Chest & Activity

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, and is dropped from an activity.

Chest & Creation

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Chest & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Shop & Activity

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop, and is dropped from an activity.

Shop & Creation

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Shop & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Activity & Creation

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is dropped from an activity, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Activity & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is dropped from an activity, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Creation & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item cannot currently be obtained, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Chest, Shop & Activity

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is obtained from a shop, and is dropped from an activity.

Chest, Shop & Creation

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is obtained from a shop, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Chest, Shop & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is obtained from a shop, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Chest, Activity & Creation

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is dropped from an activity, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Chest, Activity & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is dropped from an activity, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Chest, Creation & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is created using a transformation skill recipe, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Shop, Activity & Creation

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop, is dropped from an activity, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Shop, Activity & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop, is dropped from an activity, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Shop, Creation & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop, is created using a transformation skill recipe, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Activity, Creation & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is dropped from an activity, is created using a transformation skill recipe, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Chest, Shop, Activity & Creation

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is obtained from a shop, is dropped from an activity, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.

Chest, Shop, Activity & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is obtained from a shop, is dropped from an activity, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Shop, Activity, Creation & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item is obtained from a shop, is dropped from an activity, is created using a transformation skill recipe, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.

Chest, Activity, Creation & Achievement

Item Flavortext

The Item Name item can be found in a chest, is dropped from an activity, is created using a transformation skill recipe, and is given as a reward for completing achievements.