Template:Item Attributes/doc

From The Walkscape Walkthrough


Attribute Name

The name of the attribute. This field is required. Only necessary attributes should be used. A list and description of attributes can be found here.

Possible Attribute Names:

  • Bonus experience = (Value)
  • Bonus money = (Value)
  • Chest finding = (Value)
  • Crafting outcome = (Value)
  • Double action = (Value)
  • Double rewards = (Value)
  • Find bird nests = (Value)
  • Find collectibles = (Value)
  • Find gems = (Value)
  • Fine material finding = (Value)
  • Fine material outcome = (Value)
  • Inventory space = (Value)
  • Item finding = (Value),(Number),(Item)
  • No materials consumed = (Value)
  • Skill level = (Value)
  • Steps required = (Value)
  • Work efficiency = (Value)
  • None = 1


The name of the skill affected by the attribute. This can be left blank for attributes with a global effect.

Item Set

A requirement to have a specific number of a item set. The format is Item Set = Name,Number


A requirement to be in a specific region.

Achievement Points

A requirement to have a certain number of Achievement Points

Global Skill

A global bonus to a specific skill.


Can be set equal to True to remove the page from the category function.

Quick Copy

Notated Copy

== Item Attributes ==

{{Item Attributes
| Skill = 
| Item Set =  (Optional)
| Region =  (Optional)
| Achievement Points =  (Optional)
| Global Skill =  (Optional)
| Bonus experience =  (Optional)
| Bonus money =  (Optional)
| Chest finding =  (Optional)
| Crafting outcome =  (Optional)
| Double action =  (Optional)
| Double rewards =  (Optional)
| Find bird nests =  (Optional)
| Find collectibles =  (Optional)
| Find gems =  (Optional)
| Fine material finding =  (Optional)
| Fine material outcome =  (Optional)
| Inventory space =  (Optional)
| Item finding =  (Optional)
| No materials consumed =  (Optional)
| Skill level = (Optional)
| Steps required =  (Optional)
| Work efficiency =  (Optional)
| None = 1  (Optional)
| Non-Item = True  (Optional)

Empty Copy

== Item Attributes ==

{{Item Attributes
| Skill = 
| Item Set = 
| Region = 
| Achievement Points = 
| Global Skill =  
| Bonus experience = 
| Bonus money = 
| Chest finding = 
| Crafting outcome = 
| Double action = 
| Double rewards = 
| Find bird nests = 
| Find collectibles = 
| Find gems = 
| Fine material finding = 
| Fine material outcome = 
| Inventory space = 
| Item finding = 
| No materials consumed = 
| Skill level = 
| Steps required = 
| Work efficiency = 
| None = 
| Non-Item = 


Code Yields
Single Attribute
{{Item Attributes
| Skill = Woodcutting
| Work efficiency = +10.0%
+10.0% Work Efficiency While doing Woodcutting
Multiple Attributes with Multiple Skills, Each on a Single Line
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +65.0% | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +65.0% | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Find gems = +20.0% | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Find bird nests = +20.0% | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item_Attributes | Double action = +9.0% | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item_Attributes | Double action = +9.0% | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Bonus experience = +4.0 | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Bonus experience = +4.0 | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item Attributes | Item finding = 2.0%, 1, Adventurers' Guild Token}}

+65.0% Work Efficiency While doing Woodcutting
+65.0% Work Efficiency While doing Mining
+20.0% Find Gems While doing Mining
+20.0% Find Bird Nests While doing Woodcutting
+9.0% Double Action While doing Woodcutting
+9.0% Double Action While doing Mining
-4.0 Bonus Experience While doing Mining
+4.0 Bonus Experience While doing Woodcutting
Global 2.0% Chance to Find 1 Adventurers' Guild Token

Items with No Skills
{{Item_Attributes | Inventory space = +1}}
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +1.0%}}

Global +1 Inventory Space
Global +1.0% Work Efficiency

Attribute with no Skill
{{Item_Attributes | None = 1}}
This item has no attributes.
Attribute with an Item Set
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +1.0% | Item Set = Herbert's Set, 1}}
Global +1.0% Work Efficiency if wearing at least 1 Herbert's Set items.
Attribute with a location Requirement
{{Item_Attributes | Skill = Foraging | Chest finding = +10.0% | Region = GDTE}}
+10.0% Chest Finding While doing Foraging While in GDTE.
Attribute with Achievement Points
{{Item_Attributes | Fine material finding = +10.0% | Achievement Points = 150}}
Global +10.0% Fine Material Finding when 150 Achievement Points
Attribute with Global Skill
{{Item Attributes | Bonus experience = +1.0 | Global Skill = Agility}}
Global +1.0 Bonus Experience to Agility