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Template:Item Attributes/doc

From Walkscape Walkthrough


Attribute Name

The name of the attribute. This field is required. Only necessary attributes should be used. A list and description of attributes can be found here.

Possible Attribute Names:

  • Bonus experience = (Value)
  • Bonus money = (Value)
  • Chest finding = (Value)
  • Crafting outcome = (Value)
  • Double action = (Value)
  • Double rewards = (Value)
  • Find bird nests = (Value)
  • Find collectibles = (Value)
  • Find gems = (Value)
  • Fine material finding = (Value)
  • Fine material outcome = (Value)
  • Inventory space = (Value)
  • Item finding = (Value),(Number),(Item)
  • No materials consumed = (Value)
  • Skill level = (Value)
  • Steps required = (Value)
  • Work efficiency = (Value)
  • None = 1


The name of the skill affected by the attribute. This can be left blank for attributes with a global effect.

Item Set

A requirement to have a specific number of a item set. The format is Item Set = Name,Number


A requirement to be in a specific region.

Achievement Points

A requirement to have a certain number of Achievement Points

Global Skill

A global bonus to a specific skill.


Can be set equal to True to remove the page from the category function.

Quick Copy

Notated Copy

== Item Attributes ==

{{Item Attributes
| Skill = 
| Item Set =  (Optional)
| Region =  (Optional)
| Achievement Points =  (Optional)
| Global Skill =  (Optional)
| Bonus experience =  (Optional)
| Bonus money =  (Optional)
| Chest finding =  (Optional)
| Crafting outcome =  (Optional)
| Double action =  (Optional)
| Double rewards =  (Optional)
| Find bird nests =  (Optional)
| Find collectibles =  (Optional)
| Find gems =  (Optional)
| Fine material finding =  (Optional)
| Fine material outcome =  (Optional)
| Inventory space =  (Optional)
| Item finding =  (Optional)
| No materials consumed =  (Optional)
| Skill level = (Optional)
| Steps required =  (Optional)
| Work efficiency =  (Optional)
| None = 1  (Optional)
| Non-Item = True  (Optional)

Empty Copy

== Item Attributes ==

{{Item Attributes
| Skill = 
| Item Set = 
| Region = 
| Achievement Points = 
| Global Skill =  
| Bonus experience = 
| Bonus money = 
| Chest finding = 
| Crafting outcome = 
| Double action = 
| Double rewards = 
| Find bird nests = 
| Find collectibles = 
| Find gems = 
| Fine material finding = 
| Fine material outcome = 
| Inventory space = 
| Item finding = 
| No materials consumed = 
| Skill level = 
| Steps required = 
| Work efficiency = 
| None = 
| Non-Item = 


Code Yields
Single Attribute
{{Item Attributes
| Skill = Woodcutting
| Work efficiency = +10.0%
== Attributes ==

Item not found in YAML.

Multiple Attributes with Multiple Skills, Each on a Single Line
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +65.0% | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +65.0% | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Find gems = +20.0% | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Find bird nests = +20.0% | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item_Attributes | Double action = +9.0% | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item_Attributes | Double action = +9.0% | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Bonus experience = +4.0 | Skill = Mining}}
{{Item_Attributes | Bonus experience = +4.0 | Skill = Woodcutting}}
{{Item Attributes | Item finding = 2.0%, 1, Adventurers' Guild Token}}


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.

Items with No Skills
{{Item_Attributes | Inventory space = +1}}
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +1.0%}}


Item not found in YAML.


Item not found in YAML.

Attribute with no Skill
{{Item_Attributes | None = 1}}
== Attributes ==

Item not found in YAML.

Attribute with an Item Set
{{Item_Attributes | Work efficiency = +1.0% | Item Set = Herbert's Set, 1}}
== Attributes ==

Item not found in YAML.

Attribute with a location Requirement
{{Item_Attributes | Skill = Foraging | Chest finding = +10.0% | Region = GDTE}}
== Attributes ==

Item not found in YAML.

Attribute with Achievement Points
{{Item_Attributes | Fine material finding = +10.0% | Achievement Points = 150}}
== Attributes ==

Item not found in YAML.

Attribute with Global Skill
{{Item Attributes | Bonus experience = +1.0 | Global Skill = Agility}}
== Attributes ==

Item not found in YAML.