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Entry point URLs

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Parser extension tags

<categorytree>, <ce>, <chem>, <clippy>, <gallery>, <iframe>, <imagemap>, <indicator>, <infobox>, <inputbox>, <langconvert>, <math>, <nowiki>, <poem>, <pre>, <ref>, <references>, <seo>, <source>, <syntaxhighlight>, <tabber>, <tabbertransclude> and <templatedata>

Parser function hooks

!, MAG_PAGEIMAGE, MAG_REALNAME, PWAAndroidInstall, PWAiOSInstall, anchorencode, arraydefine, arraydiff, arrayindex, arrayintersect, arraymerge, arrayprint, arrayreset, arraysearch, arraysearcharray, arraysize, arrayslice, arraysort, arrayunion, arrayunique, basepagename, basepagenamee, bidi, canonicalurl, canonicalurle, cascadingsources, categorytree, count, countDownClock, css, defaultsort, displaytitle, dowhile, explode, expr, filepath, forargs, formatdate, formatnum, fornumargs, fullpagename, fullpagenamee, fullurl, fullurle, gender, grammar, if, ifeq, iferror, ifexist, ifexpr, int, invoke, language, lc, lcfirst, len, localurl, localurle, loop, namespace, namespacee, namespacenumber, ns, nse, numberingroup, numberofactiveusers, numberofadmins, numberofarticles, numberofedits, numberoffiles, numberofpages, numberofusers, padleft, padright, pageid, pagename, pagenamee, pagesincategory, pagesize, plural, pos, protectionexpiry, protectionlevel, rel2abs, replace, revisionday, revisionday2, revisionid, revisionmonth, revisionmonth1, revisiontimestamp, revisionuser, revisionyear, rootpagename, rootpagenamee, rpos, seo, simple-tooltip, simple-tooltip-img, simple-tooltip-info, special, speciale, sub, subjectpagename, subjectpagenamee, subjectspace, subjectspacee, subpagename, subpagenamee, switch, tag, talkpagename, talkpagenamee, talkspace, talkspacee, time, timel, tip-img, tip-info, tip-text, titleparts, uc, ucfirst, urldecode, urlencode, var, var_final, vardefine, vardefineecho, varexists and while visited from