
From The Walkscape Walkthrough
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A Bank is one of the basic types of buildings in the game. Banks can store an unlimited amount of any number of items. Additionally, all banks are linked together and share a single bank inventory so you can deposit 1000 Pine Logs in the Frozen Capital Bank in Kallaheim, Jarvonia. And then later withdrawal all 1000 from the Maritime Fortune Bank in Bilgemont Port, GDTE.


Name City Region
Frozen Capital Bank Kallaheim Jarvonia
Bogside Bank of Prosperity Salsfirth GDTE
Maritime Fortune Bank Bilgemont Port GDTE

Functions at a Bank

When you are at a bank you currently have two options for what to do:

  • Deposit Items - Store items from your inventory into the bank.
    • You can store an unlimited amount, of unlimited types of items.
    • There is no fee or risk of losing items in the bank.

  • Withdraw Items - Take items from the bank and put them into your inventory.
    • You are limited only by your own inventory size
    • Watch out for becoming overencumbered if withdrawing a lot of items.

Checking Bank Inventory

You can check the items in your bank from anywhere by using the "Check Bank" button at the top of your inventory screen. This will let you view saved items, but you won't be able to withdraw or deposit.