Template:Activity Intro/doc

From The Walkscape Walkthrough



The name of the activity as it is used in game.


The icon image that represents the activity.


  • To be Added


The activity description.


The main skill used in the activity.


A string of text that links to the locations the action can be performed at.

Quick Copy

Notated Copy

{{Activity Intro
| Name = 
| Icon = 
| Description = (Optional)
| Skill = 
| Location = 
| Chest = (Formatted String) (Optional)
| Special = (Formatted String) (Optional)

Empty copy

{{Activity Intro
| Name = 
| Icon = 
| Description = 
| Skill = 
| Location = 
| Chest = 
| Special = 


The formatting for Forest Foraging is as follows:

{{Activity Intro
| Name = Forest Foraging
| Icon = Forest foraging.png
| Description = Amidst the winter forest, you venture with a keen eye, foraging for hidden treasures beneath the blanket of snow, embracing the thrill of discovering nature's edible offerings.
| Skill = Foraging
| Location = the [[Disenchanted Forest]]
| Chest = [[Foraging Chests]]
| Special = 

And the result is:

Forest Foraging

Amidst the winter forest, you venture with a keen eye, foraging for hidden treasures beneath the blanket of snow, embracing the thrill of discovering nature's edible offerings.

Forest Foraging Forest Foraging is a Foraging activity located in the Disenchanted Forest.
This activity is eligible to drop Foraging Chests.

The formatting for Spelunking is as follows:

{{Activity Intro
| Name = Spelunking
| Icon = Spelunking.png
| Description = You crawl hard on the ground like a lizard. Ominous thoughts cloud your mind almost paralyzing you. You manage to push them aside for a moment and continue. Soon enough a new unexplored path unveils itself and fills you with joy.
| Skill = Foraging
| Location = the [[Sanguine Hills]]
| Chest = [[Mining Chests]] and [[Agility Chests]]
| Special = the collectible [[Ancient Ankh]] and the unique [[Ring of the Bat]]

And the result is:


You crawl hard on the ground like a lizard. Ominous thoughts cloud your mind almost paralyzing you. You manage to push them aside for a moment and continue. Soon enough a new unexplored path unveils itself and fills you with joy.

Spelunking Spelunking is a Mining activity located in the Sanguine Hills.
This activity is eligible to drop Mining Chests and Agility Chests.
This activity can drop the collectible Ancient Ankh and the unique Ring of the Bat.