Tarsilium Bar

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
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Tarsilium Bar
{{{Name}}} Sprite
Type: Material
Value: 4
Tradable: Yes
Sellable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Tarsilium Bar
{{{Name}}} Sprite
Type: Material
Fine Value: 24
Tradable: Yes
Sellable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

The tarsilium bar shimmers like the night sky, an oily texture coating its surface.

The Tarsilium Bar item can be found in a chest, and is created using a transformation skill recipe.


Tarsilium Bar can be used to craft the following items in a Basic Workshop:

Item Source


The dark metal melts in the mould, forming a murky, thick liquid. Slowly cooling to form a perfect tarsilium bar.

Activity Level Service Req Materials Req Base Exp Base Steps Exp/Step Min Steps Exp/Step Max
Smelt a Tarsilium Bar 40 Basic Forge 1x Tarsilium Ore
2x Coal
72 130 0.554 69 1.043


Source Quantity Chance
Crafting Chests Sprite Crafting Chests 4-8 4.11/100 (4.11%)