Crafted Items

From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Revision as of 01:05, 1 February 2024 by Walking Weasel (talk | contribs) (Added crafting screen image and item color quality.)

Crafted items are tools, weapons, and armors made by the player through the use of the Crafting and Smithing skills.

A tool crafting screen, with quality chances shown under the 'Rewards' section.

In Walkscape, crafted items come in 6 qualities:

Crafted Items
Normal - Grey
Good - Green
Great - Blue
Excellent - Purple
Perfect - Yellow
Eternal - Red

Each higher level of quality will add a new attribute to the item. Attributes are predetermined based on the tier of item. For example, every "Great" Iron Pickaxe will have the same stats: the base attribute that comes with the "normal" quality, plus 2 additional attributes.

Your chances to craft higher quality items will increase with skill level, gear, buffs, and the use of fine materials.