
From The Walkscape Walkthrough
Revision as of 01:46, 5 March 2024 by Walking Weasel (talk | contribs) (Revised page with info)

There are a multitude of Activities that can be done in WalkScape throughout the world of Arenum.

When you select an activity, you begin completing actions of that activity until it no longer becomes possible to continue completing actions, or you select to do another activity. Actions are one completion of an activity, and reward things like experience, a chance at a chest, and create or transform materials.

There are roughly two categories of activities in the game:

  • Near-infinitely repeatable - Many gathering activities will produce an action every set number of steps until you tell your character to do something else. For example, if you select cut pine trees as your activity, your character will continue chopping pine logs until you tell them to do otherwise. You will continue doing this activity at maximum efficiency until hitting the inventory soft-cap, or stopping when you are overencumbered - if you have the setting toggled on.
  • Finitely repeatable - Crafting Recipes and traveling activities generally produce a finite amount of possible actions. When selecting an activity such as Cut a pine plank, you can select how many actions you want to perform up to the maximum available based on the materials you have available to you, and the game will predict how many steps this will take you to complete. When traveling is your activity, your character will travel until reaching their destination.

Steps that you take while the game is active on your screen (foreground) are applied in real time to your current activity. If you close or background the game, the steps that you take will be immediately applied upon foregrounding the app or loading into the game.


Please see each skill's page to see their associated listed activities that we currently know of and where they can be done.

Skill Uses
Agility Traveling across the world and accessing shortcuts.
Carpentry Woodworking for turning logs into planks for crafting.
Cooking Recipie based skill that turns raw materials into consumables.
Crafting For turning transformed materials into final usable crafted items.
Fishing Catching fish to use as raw materials, primarily in cooking.
Foraging Gathering plants as raw materials for use in crafting and cooking.
Mining Mines ore based raw materials for use in smithing.
Smithing Turns ores into bars for use in crafting.
Woodcutting Cuts down trees for their logs as materials for carpentry.