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Opening a Foraging Chest from the Treasury.

Chests are openable items that drop at a base 1/250 rate per action from doing activities (with the exception of traveling). Their type is determined by the activity's skills involved that have actual level requirements and not the experience obtained. This can lead to some activities having the potential to drop more than one chest type in a single action. If an activity can drop more than one chest or openable, they each have an independent 1/250 base drop rate as well.

When acquired, they do not take up space, but instead they will be displayed in your treasury tab under your Inventory where they can be viewed or opened from there. The rewards for a chest are rolled upon opening, not upon receiving the chest.

The Chest Finding equipment attribute can add to the base drop rate of finding chests during activities. So equipment with "+1% Chest Finding" gives a new chance of 1.01/250 per roll on the chest loot table (does not affect the ability to find Bird Nests).

While uniquely, the Find Bird Nests equipment attribute can add to the base 1/250 drop rate of finding Bird Nests during their obtainable activities in the same manner.

Loot Rolls

All chests go through four rolls for loot. Each of those rolls gets broken up into two separate rolls. The first part of a roll goes based on the table below. After rolling on that, it will then roll for an item based on the sub-table involved.

If a chest has a sub-table or tables that are blank the games adds that chance onto the miscellaneous table's chances.

Please note that the chances for loot are based off of the individual rolls and not the total amount given by a chest/treasury item itself.

Loot Table
Chance Sub-table
50.00% Main Table
21.64% Coins
20.00% - Grey
5.00% - Green
2.50% - Blue
0.75% - Purple
0.10% - Yellow
0.01% - Red

Chest Types

Skill Chests
Name Activity Type
Agility Chest Agility
Carpentry Chest Carpentry
Cooking Chest Cooking
Crafting Chest Crafting
Fishing Chest Fishing
Foraging Chest Foraging
Mining Chest Mining
Smithing Chest Smithing
Woodcutting Chest Woodcutting

There are some cases where certain activities can give unique openables in addition to the skill chests.

Unique Openables
Name Source(s)
Adventuring Guild Chest Adventurers' Guild Outpost
Bird Nest Branch Trimming, Cut Birch Trees, Cut Mangrove Trees, Cut Maple Trees, Cut Oak Trees, Cut Pine Trees, Cut Spruce Trees, Cut Teak Trees, Cut Willow Trees, Rooftop Jumping (Beginner), Rooftop Jumping (Intermediate)
Chest of GDTE Granfiddich Job Board, Trellin Faction Rewards
Chest of Jarvonia Jarvonia Faction Rewards, Azurazera Job Board, Kallaheim Job Board
Chest of Syrenthia Vastalume Job Board, Syrenthia Faction Rewards
Coin Pouch Horseshoe Making, Ship Repair (Beginner), Tinkering, Underwater Basket Weaving, Wreck Diving
Coral Chest Cave Diving, Coral Cutting, Fossil Mining, Kelp Foraging, Merfolk Dancing, Merfolk Farm Foraging, Mine Volcanic Rock, Predator Hunting (Spear), Sea Fishing (Spear), Swimming (Expert), Underwater Basket Weaving, Wreck Diving
Gem Pouch Ship Repair (Intermediate), Spelunking, Underwater Basket Weaving, Wine Grape Stomping, Wreck Diving
Sunken Chest Sea Fishing (Cage), Sea Fishing (Net), Sea Fishing (Rod), Seashell Searching, Swimming (Beginner), Swimming (Intermediate)


These regional chests are not currently in the game yet, but they sure look cool! There is no info on acquiring them yet.

Regional Chests
Chest Region Loot Rolls
Wallisia Chests Wallisia ?
Galeforge Chests Galeforge ?
Wrentmark Chests Wrentmark ?

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